Command List
D: ‣ opens a list of character commands.
F: ‣ opens the Friends List and Mailbox.
B: ‣ opens the Gens information window.
G: ‣ opens your guilds information.
A: ‣ opens the Master Skill Tree window.
Ctrl + A: ‣ opens the Enhance Skill Tree window.
Ctrl + V: ‣ opens the event inventory window.
N: ‣ opens party & guild matching.
X: ‣ opens the Cash Item Shop.
P: ‣ opens the Personal Store List.
L: ‣ opens the window hunt system. I, or V: ‣ opens the character inventory.
I, then S: ‣ opens the Personal Store window.
K: ‣ opens tthe Gremory Case.
C: ‣ opens the character's stat menu.
U: ‣ opens the character's skill tree.
Z: ‣ opens the MU Helper settings.
M: ‣ opens the warp window.
T: ‣ opens the quest window.
Y: ‣ opens the Muun inventory.
END: ‣ opens the Hunting Log.
O: ‣ opens the Option Menu.
ESC: ‣ opens the System Menu.
F1: ‣ opens the in-game Play Guide.
F2: ‣ opens the Block Users window. Tab: ‣ opens the mini-map:
use ] ‣ to increases opacity
use [ ‣ to decreases opacity
use - ‣ to reduces size
use + ‣ to increases size
F10: ‣ Turn on/off 3d camera F11: ‣ Return default camera
Open Store:
- Set the value in "ZEN" - Type the Command: /store coin ; /store gp ; /store ruud
IMPORTANT: To offstore just open store and command to offstore (Example: /offstore) IMPORTANT: Do not open your store with the OPEN button.Without command will sell things to Zen!
Offline LevelUP:
/offattack -> Use the Offlevel System (configuration of MuHelper will be used here) (Some low maps the Offlevel does not work, only in mid/high maps) /offlevel -> Use the Offlevel System (configuration of MuHelper will be used here) (Some low maps the Offlevel does not work, only in mid/high maps)
Add Points:
/addstr xxx -> Adds points to strength.
/addagi xxx -> Adds points to agility.
/addene xxx -> Adds points to energy
/addvit xxx -> Adds points to vitality
/addcmd xxx -> Adds points to command
Auto Distribute Points:
/addstr auto X -> Auto Adds X points to strenght
/addagi auto X -> Auto Adds X points to agility
/addene auto X -> Auto Adds X points to energy
/addvit auto X -> Auto Adds X points to vitality
/addcmd auto X -> Auto Adds X points to command
*To disable: /addstr auto
Clean PK:
/pkclear -> This command will charge an amount in Zen to clear your pk.
How to know which Quest do I have to do ?
/infoquest -> Command to know what you have to do to farm WC on Quest System
/openware -> Open ware in spot /ware 1-5 -> Change your ware to another one (VIP) /clearinv -> Clear your Inventory /cleareventinv -> Clear Event Inventory last lines /clearmuuninv -> Clear Muun Page last Page /clearvault -> Clear your warehouse
Last updated