Personal Store Information
Last updated
Last updated
Press the [P] hotkey to open the store window.
List of Private Stores: This displays the list of all personal stores per user, each store can have multiple items for sale.
Item List: This displays the list of all items available for sale.
Search: This allows you to search for an item among all available stores.
You can buy an item from any personal store by clicking on it. A window will open where you can check the price and the items. This can be a 'single item' or a 'bundle' of items. If it is a 'bundle', you will buy all the items. To confirm the purchase, click on 'Buy'. When you buy an item, it will be sent to your 'GREMORY CASE'.
To sell an item or a bundle of items you must access your own 'Personal Store' and click on one of the empty slots. A window will open where you can choose if you want to sell an item or a bundle of items, the price, and add the items by 'right-clicking' on them. When you have added all the items you want to sell, click on the 'open' button at the bottom of your Personal store window, and if you want to 'close' the store click on the close button. The item price can be in Zen,Ruud,WCoin,GoblinPoints, Jewel of Bless, and Jewel of Soul. You can modify or withdraw the item only when the store is closed. There is a tax charged to the seller, as a fee, for using the Personal Store.
You set the value in ‘Zen’, ‘Ruud’, ‘WCoin’, ‘GoblinPoints’ and you will be charged a tax fee.
Tax on Jewels is 3% of the total amount exchanged.
Tax will not be applied if the exchange amount is less than 17 Jewels.
If the amount of the exchange of Jewels is greater than 16 Jewels, at least 1 Jewel of tax is charged. When an item is sold or withdrawn, it will be sent to the GREMORY CASE.
Commands to open the personal store:
Sell items by Ruud ‣ /store ruud Sell items for WCoin ‣ /store coin Sell items for GoblinPoints ‣ /store gp If you press [Open] your items will be sold for zen