Box Drops
Weapon BloodAngel
Weapon HolyAngel
Glimmer,Mage Pad,Bone,Silk,Scale,Light Plate,Scale Gunner,Brass,Red Wing,Slayer Red Wing, Slayer (A),Plate,Sphinx,Wind,Rune Sphinx,Glimmer,Mage Pad,Robust,Gru Hill,Illusion Knight Iron Plate
Glimmer,Mage Pad,Legendary,Dragon,Black Dragon,Guardian,Adamantine,RedWing,Ancient,Glimmer,Mage Pad,Robust,Gru Hill,Rune Legendary,Spirit,Sacred Fire,Storm Crow,Light Plate,Demonic Slayer,Round Gunner,Illusion Knight Iron Plate
Blade, Elven Axe, Giant Trident, Double Poleaxe, Light CrossBow, CrossBow, Serpent Staff, Large Round Shield, Great Hammer, Serpent Sword, Book of Neil, Red Wing Stick, Mystery Stick, Flat Short Sword, Gorgon Staff, Entropy Gun, Plate Shield, Helical Sword, Double Blade, Tiger Bow, Bluewing Crossbow, Thunder Staff, Battle Scepter, Lapid Lance, Lapid Shield
Plate Shield, Spiked Shield, Dragon Slayer Shield, Alacran Lance, Alacran Shield, Conmocion Lance, Elemental Shield, El Hazard Shield, Bill of Balrog, Crystal Sword, Staff of Resurrection, Saint Crossbow, Master Scepter, Ancient Stick, Book of Lagle, Dacia Short Sword, Lighting Sword, Giant Sword, Silver Bow, Legendary Staff, Legendary Shield, Sacred Glove, Elemental Rune Mace, Aquagold Crossbow, Entropy Gun, Magic Frere Gun
Guardian, Angel, Imp, Demon, Horn of Uniria, Ring of Ice, Ring of Poison, Pendant of Lighting, Pendant of Fire, Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Chaos, Pet Hudolff
Leather,Bronze,Pad,Bone,Vine,Silk,Scale,Rune Pad,Mage Pad,Slayer Red Wing,Illusion Knight Scale
Brass,Sphinx,Leather Gunner,Wind,Spirit,Violent Wind,Plate,Rune Sphinx,Mage Sphinx,Glimmer,Slayer (A), Illusion Knight Iron Plate
Red Wing,Legendary,Dragon,Ashcrow,Guardian,Robust,Gru Hill,Sacred,Adamantine,Light Plate,Storm Crow,Rune Legendary,Slayer Demonic,Mage Legendary,Light Ray,Illusion Iron Plate
Dark Phoenix,Eclipse,Iris,Valiant, DarkSteel,Ancient,Flash, Storm Jahad,Thunder Hawk,Holy Spirit,Grand Soul,Black Dragon,Glorious,Princie, Steel Plate
Piercing Groove,Hurricane,Red Spirit,Dark Soul,Great Dragon,Dark Master,Demonic,Sate,Hirat,Night Wing,Frere,Kenaz,Magic Flare,Noble Pixie,Black Origin
Mace, CrossBow, Bow, Short Bow, Skull Staff, Hand Axe, Small Axe, Rapier, Short Sword, Kriss, Flat Short Sword
Flail, Morning Star, Prickle Lance, Entropy Gun, Lapid Lance, Giant Trident, Spear, Halberd, Double Poleaxe, Dragon Lance, Arquebus, Battle Bow, Golden Crossbow, Elven Bow, Mystery Stick, Angelic Staff, Elven Axe, Falchion, Gladius, Tomahawk, Double Axe, Sword of Assassin, Katana, Royal Orb, Basic Magic Book
Great Hammer, Berdysh, Serpent Spear, Lighting Sword, Serpent Crossbow, Light Crossbow, Tiger Bow, Violent Wind Stick, Thunder Staff, Serpent Staff, Larkan Axe, Bill of Balrog, Battle Axe, Double Blade, Legendary Sword, Light Saber, Sword of Salamander, Serpent Sword, Blade, Combat Quiver, Book of Sahamut, Myotis Orb, Elemental Magic Book
Sword of Destruction, Dragon Soul Staff, Crystal Morning Star, Lord Scepter, Great Scepter, Alacran Lance, Conmocion Lance, Bill of Balrog, Dark Breaker, Great Scythe, Combat Quiver, Bluewing Crossbow, Chaos Nature Bow, Silver Bow, Book of Neil, Red Wing Stick, Legendary Staff, Staff of Resurrection, Crescent Axe, Sacred Glove, Giant Sword, Lighting Sword, Crystal Sword, Chaos Lighting Staff, Rune Blade, Thunder Blade, Celestial Bow, Ancient Stick, Blue Moon Orb, Elemental Magic Book, Silver Blade
Knight Blade, Xeno Blade, Raven Stick, Chrome Staff, Aileen Bow, Striker Scepter, Platina Staff, Cookery Short Sword, Brova, Albatross bow, Arrow Viper bow, Frere gun, Book of Lagle, Vis Lance, Sword Dancer, Dark Reign Blade, Pluma Lance, Great Lord Scepter, Demonic Stick, El hazard mace, Elemental Mace, Piercing grove Claws, Dark Breaker, Blue Moon Orb, Shining Feather Magic Book
Buckler, Horn Shield, Small Shield
Lapid Shield, Large Round Shield, Skull Shield, Kite Shield
Plate Shield, Spiked Shield, Dragon Slayer Shield, Elven Shield
Alacran Shield, Legendary Shield, Bronze Shield, Serpent Shield
Pluma Shield, Cross Shield, Elemental Shield, Grand Soul Shield
Alchemist items have been added to all drops.
Last updated